Local Transport

Our local transport service is perfect for short journeys within the Carnforth area, ensuring a quick and comfortable ride for your horse. We prioritize safety and comfort for all our passengers.

Our local transport service is perfect for short journeys within the Carnforth area, ensuring a quick and comfortable ride for your horse.

  • Quick and comfortable rides
  • Safety is our priority
  • Local expertise

Long Distance Transport

For longer journeys across the UK, our long-distance transport service offers a reliable and stress-free solution. Our experienced team will ensure your horse arrives at their destination in top condition.

For longer journeys across the UK, our long-distance transport service offers a reliable and stress-free solution.

  • Reliable and stress-free
  • Well-being is our top concern
  • Experienced team

Emergency Transport

In emergency situations, we provide fast and efficient transport for your horse. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you during unexpected circumstances, offering peace of mind in critical times.

In emergency situations, we provide fast and efficient transport for your horse.

  • Fast and efficient
  • Peace of mind
  • Dedicated team

“I highly recommend Equine Express for their professional and caring approach to transporting horses. They made the whole experience easy and worry-free for me and my horse.”

Sarah Johnson